PROPERTY' at about serial number V300000.

PROPERTY – The property mark was shortened to 'U.S. UNITED STATES PROPERTY – Found on left top strap to approximately V300000 and on the M&Ps pre Victory. The most common property marks found on the Victory model are the UNITED STATES PROPERTY, US PROPERTY, and the US NAVY markings. From approximately V300000 to end of production G.H.D is found on the left top strap EXAMPLE – Click Here G.H.D – From approximately 1942 to about May 1943 the acceptance mark of Ordnance officer Guy H. The 'P' proof mark indicates this revolver has passed military proof testing. Just to the right of the acceptance mark (W.B.) is usually found an ordnance bomb and proof mark. The acceptance mark of Ordnance officer Waldemar Bromberg is located on the butt (to about serial number V145000). Below you will find some of the common stamps with links to examples. On later Navy revolvers, ordered through the Army they will be found with the more typical Army G.H.D. Navy orders you will find no acceptance marks on the original two contracts they placed. The acceptance mark varies with the particulars of the order placed. Grips: Checkered walnut with medallion until early 1942, post February of 1942 they are smooth American Walnut with out medallions. 38 S&W)įinish: Early sandblast blue, sandblast mid-night black (appears grayish black). The Victory Revolver was produced during World War II, it is a variation of the Military & Police Model of 1905, fourth change and had the following characteristics between 19:īarrel : 2, 4, 5, or 6 inch.
Smith And Wesson Pre Model 10 Serial Numbers Crane and crane recess are also serial numbered to each other, but this is a different number then the revolvers serial number as is correct for Victory model revolvers. Serial numbers are located on Inside right grip, frame butt, Cylinder, extractor star, and bottom of barrel. 38 S&W Caliber (I have observed revolvers in the 1-40000 range in. V1 to approximately V39,999 were predominately. 38 special Victory model began at about V1 in early 1942 and ran until VS811119 with a date of late August of 1945 (end of production). The Victory model was so named for the 'V' prefix which was placed before the serial number and represented 'Victory' against the Axis powers in World War II. To this day the Victory model is a very enjoyable shooting collectible, mainly due to its inexpensive cost, light recoil, and good accuracy. I have talked to many ex-military personnel that carried them as late as the 1980s, as you can see these pistols played a significant part of our history. The Victory model revolvers participated in various roles from guard duty to riding in a shoulder holster with fighter and bomber pilots. While the information I provide below can be helpful please see the list on the bottom of this page for reference material you should have if you are going to collect these historical pieces. That being said you might want to consider adding a few Victory models to your USGI collection. At a recent trip to the 2003 Louisville gun show I noticed prices on Victory revolvers had increased noticeably. armed forces have always been under appreciated by collectors, the good news is that makes them relatively inexpensive to acquire, but this is changing.

Smith And Wesson Model 10 Serial Number C The gun is awfully clean (immaculate, actually) for that age and I am just trying to verify. The guy said it was his dad's and he bought it in 1963. I just purchased a Smith &Wesson model 10-5. For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions.